Dive into the heart-wrenching world of Voices of New Belarus, a searing documentary drama by renowned Belarusian playwright-in-exile Andrei Kureichik. This powerful work captures the harrowing events of the 2020 Belarusian revolution through the deeply personal accounts of 16 political prisoners. Each monologue reveals a distinct story, a unique truth, and together they create an unflinching mosaic of resistance, sacrifice, and hope.
First presented at Yale University and the Oslo Freedom Forum—the world’s foremost human rights festival—these testimonies come to life through the voices of the Yale School of Drama’s finest actors and prominent intellectuals: historian Timothy Snyder, intellectual history professor Marci Shore, fascism scholar Jason Stanley, and the visionary theatre director Jura Kordonsky. They embody the words of Belarusian heroes, including imprisoned Nobel laureate Ales Bialiatsky, revolutionary icon Maria Kolesnikova, and many others—politicians, journalists, priests, and ordinary citizens—who stood up against the brutal regime of dictator Alexander Lukashenko.
This audiobook is not just a performance—it’s a testament to truth that refuses to be silenced. Half of the proceeds will directly support funds aiding political prisoners and their families, making each listen a contribution to justice. Prepare for an emotional journey that will challenge your understanding of freedom—and leave your soul forever changed.
(Tags : Voices of The New Belarus: Documentary Play. Writer's adition. Andrei Kureichik Audiobook, Andrei Kureichik Audio CD )