"War and Peace" (1869) is a classic novel by Leo Tolstoy, which is regarded as a central work of world literature and one of Tolstoy's finest literary achievements. The novel chronicles the history of the French invasion of Russia and the impact of the Napoleonic era on Tsarist society through the stories of five Russian aristocratic families.
Volume One begins in 1805 in Saint Petersburg, at a soirée. The plot moves to Moscow, contrasting its provincial, more Russian ways to the more European society of Petersburg. The story continues at a country estate, and then Tolstoy describes the impending Russian-French war preparations. The major event in the book is the Battle of Austerlitz, portrayed as an early test for Russia, which ended badly because the soldiers fought for irrelevant things like glory or renown rather than the higher virtues which would produce, according to Tolstoy, a victory at Borodino during the 1812 invasion.
(Tags : War and Peace 1 Leo Tolstoy Audiobook, Leo Tolstoy Audio CD )